The Alcohol Abstinence Cheat Sheet

Next, the alcoholic beverage will raise our blood sugar (also referred to as blood glucose)—both from the alcohol itself as well as any sugar and carbohydrates found in the beverage2. do alcoholics crave sweets A surge in blood sugar often makes us feel energized and elated. However, shortly after, that first drink begins to metabolize through our body, and blood sugar then drops.

Nonetheless, managing sugar cravings is by no means impossible. Addiction treatment needs to account for such hardships and can often tackle them effectively. In brief, there are three main ways to do so, each with its own subsections. Finally, alcohol addiction manifests in behavioral addiction as well. That’s not to say AUDs are behavioral addictions, as NCBI finds “there are a number of similarities as well as some differences between drug addiction and behavioral addiction diagnostic symptoms”. It is to say, however, that substance addiction also has a purely behavioral side; the habit of substance consumption in itself.

Why does giving up alcohol lead to sugar cravings?

Sugary foods activate the same receptors in the brain as opioids. Even after abstinence, people experiencing chronic opioid use may feel drawn to activities that trigger these receptors. Eating a balanced diet is one of the best things you can do to improve your health, regardless of whether you’re battling addiction. It’s a form of self-care that helps you improve your self-esteem. When they cut back or quit, their bodies crave the sugar rush they experienced when drinking.

As you can see, the unique connection between alcohol and sugar cannot be underestimated. It is deeply rooted in both substances, and largely explains just why recovering alcoholics crave sugar. Moreover, it can cause complications throughout and after recovery, especially if it overlaps with eating disorders or mental health disorders. Experimental findings did not provide evidence to support the clinical lore that eating sweets can reduce alcohol cravings, albeit only acutely and for those with at-risk drinking. Other empirically supported strategies for managing alcohol cravings (e.g., pharmacotherapies, mindfulness) could instead be promoted.

How to Avoid Replacing Alcohol with Too Much Sugary Food

If you wish to quit substance misuse, please consider professional addiction treatment services to receive a full range of interventions that can help ensure a successful recovery. While replacement rewards are a viable strategy incorporated into most treatment methods, they do not address the root cause of addictive disorders. To fully resolve the root causes of addiction, you need professional support.

do alcoholics crave sweets


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